Monday, 26 January 2015

New Year New Post, Part 1

A very Happy New Year! Can't believe it's been October the last time I posted an update in here. Though to be fair the past three months has been crazily busy. Work went mental for the Christmas period, I went on holiday to Paris, I got engaged over Christmas. And we're in the process of selling the house to move onto a bigger place. Yeah pretty busy end to 2014!

Hobby-wise though it's been hit and miss. For Christmas my fiance (still feels wierd saying it), got me a brand new German Waffen SS army for Bolt Action. I added to the box set and picked up some Artizan Design winter Germans. My aim for this army is to create a Battle of the Bulge Winter themed army, a bit like my failed Flames of War army. I want to create woodland style basing for these including a MMG lying up against dead cattle and the Nebelwerfer to be based in a bunker with trees on the back. This is more going to be a painting and modelling army first with the aim of playing with these second. I want to take my time on the camo patterns and basing rather than rushing them through like my Russians and Japanese just to get them tabletop ready.

The Vampire Counts have been progressing nicely but have stalled over the Christmas period. I’ve got the base for the Terrorgheist done and I’m so pleased with it. The 40 Zombies we’re actually pretty simple to do. With the basecoat spray of the Army Painter Necrotic Flesh it was a case of giving the skin a wash of green, adding some different colours for the pieces of clothing and then adding Blood for the Blood God to the mouths and hands. Basing was also pretty simple and overall the 40 Zombies in one movement tray look pretty impressive.

The Terrorgheist itself is coming along, with the winter themed army (what is it with Winter themed armies that I like?) I thought the best bet for the wings was to do it in an icy blue/green colour and then have a warm bone colour for the skeleton to offset the colours. It’s still a work in progress but I’m happy with how it’s looking at the moment. I’m really pleased with my Vampire Lord conversion though. He was a finecast Empire Warrior Priest who I got as a double for Christmas last year, quick snip of the head and a ghoul head and a new sword arm makes him a unique looking Vampire Lord. Still need to base him but overall really pleased with how he came out.

I did get one game of Fantasy in with the Vampire Counts at a new wargame shop in Ashington called War and Piece. I faced off against Jim’s High Elves but unfortunately lost. The Vampire Lord on foot was an absolute beast though and chopped through a whole unit of horses including the BSB and High Elf Lord. Though my deployment failed me again, as my Ghouls were almost cut off due to the houses in the middle and took a turn too much to get into the battle. I think with it being so long since my last Fantasy game it was a bit of rust. 


  1. Lovely work on that! Loving the guys purple cloak and all lovely work on the details (sorry don't know the characters names!)

    1. Cheers mate, he's just a generic Vampire Lord, converted him using a Warrior Priest as a base and then chopped and changed his head and arm.

    2. Well that is probably why he looks so friggin cool and I couldn't identify him :)
