Friday, 10 October 2014

Build Up To Welsh Open - AAR Reports

So the Welsh Open has been and gone and what an amazing event it was! I'm going to be covering the event in another blog post in the next couple of days so this is the build up to the Welsh Open.

As you can tell from the lack of updates, work and life has kept me busy the last month or so but I've had some good time to do some hobby and get the Japanese battle ready for the Welsh Open. I had organised a 1,000pt game with my Tournament list against Jim the week before the event however we only got to Turn 3 before we had to call it due to time.

I also took my Soviets out for a League game against league leader Dom and his Italians, we played Maximum Attrition and while it was very close I came up just short mainly due to his Recce armoured car which seemed to dodge everything in sight. Though the car's shooting was pretty poor failing every turn to take out the Zis-3's crew which was pinning down the left side of the table. I was lucky though because he decided against his flamethrower car which has been the thorn in many people's side.

Thankfully I've only got 3 games left of 500pts which I'll be looking to get done next weekend hopefully, don't get me wrong 500pts is ok for beginners to get into the game but it does limit what you can do and playing on a 4 x 4 table isn't the greatest. Bolt Action is really alot better at larger points and I'm counting down the days until the League hits 750pts and we can use armour. I'm not sure whether to use the Soviets or Japanese for 750pts, I might mix between the two. I was wanting to do a German army at some point but having attempted to assemble the Plastic Late War Germans with all the loose weapons my interest has wained a little bit. I'll probably do them as my next army but I'm going to probably look at doing a fully metal army, maybe using a mix of the Waffen SS Box Set, Fallschirmjager Box Set and some models from Artizan Design. Don't expect anything until Christmas at the earliest!

So yeah some images from the league game and 1,000pt game against Jim. I can't really remember what happened in either as it was so long ago so I'll just get these up and then crack on with the Welsh Open post.

500pts vs. Italians

1,000pts vs Brits


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