Tuesday 18 February 2014

First Volks Completed

Good morning fellow wargamers! Hope you're all going well and having a grand week? The first base for my Volksgrenadier is completed and another just needs the greenstuff covering and painted! With the scale being so small I'm finding it pretty quick to paint bases of five men, these two bases have been done over about three nights of on-off painting so I'm pretty pleased. I think with the week to myself as the girlfriend is on nights I might be able to rattle through quite a few of the squads.

I'm really pleased with this squad, including the ability to do splinter camo at such a small scale. Last night I basecoated the tree Stugs that came with my Open Fire box set. I worked on one yesterday which got a full layer of Middlestone and then added some camo patterns with the Vallejo German Cam Medium Brown and Luftwaffe Cam Green. I'm pleased with how it came out but I need to work out what wash to give it to bring out some of the shading, I think I'll need a Vallejo Brown Wash but I've not got one yet so will need to pick it up soon.

Tonight I'm hoping to do the other two Stugs up to a pre-wash state. Then I'll cover the greenstuff on the second base and prep and basecoat the next three stands worth of men. I'm really enjoying these all and even at a smaller scale, which worried me at first, I'm enjoying painting the guys.

I've still got the Flak43 Blister to build at some point, I also ordered the Winter Themed Pak40s last week which arrived yesterday. They'll be the next things to do after the infantry and Stugs and after that it'll be the HMG, Artillery Battery and the Anti-Infantry guns and that'll be the whole army sorted ready for battle.

It's definitely worthwhile doing the purchasing, building and painting in batches. I was worried I would do what I normally do and get a huge army and then get bogged down by painting and soon become bored. I'm already looking at my next FOW army and it'll either be an easy to build and paint Russian T34 Tank Horde or a Early War Japanese army.

But before then it's going to be focusing on the Volks and then learning the rules!

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