Wednesday 26 February 2014

Sunday's - Not So Much Of a Game - Report

So Sunday I was meant to be facing Dave's Daemons in helping sorting out little battles for a Campaign with a Wargames club in Swindon. I had a pretty standard 1,000pts of my Ogres lined up on the table ready for battle. My list looked like this;

  • Level 1 Firebelly
  • 5 x Ironguts
  • 6 x Ogres (w/ Ironfists)
  • 4 x Leadbelchers
  • 2 x Mournfang (Heavy Armour, Ironfists)
  • 1 x Ironblaster
My objective for this small mission was to get at least one unit off the opposite short table while the Daemons ambushed on a randomly selected side of the board. Unfortunately though Dave had injured himself before the game and he had to head home, completely understandable because let's be honest your health is more important that a few toy soldiers...

So James (who I faced in the Tourney a few weeks back) took over but the game was pretty much over before it began. The Mournfang deployed completely away from the Daemons and basically marched all the way down the table without any of the Daemons having a chance of catching them. We knew the game was going to be over pretty quickly but it was a bit dissapointing it finished that quick.

My bad-luck with cannons in Fantasy continued as my Ironblaster decided to explode and destroy itself in the first shooting phase! I cannont remember ever landing a decent shot with any of my cannons (Ogres or Empire).

So my trip out to Blyth was pretty short on Sunday, it wasn't all too bad though as I ended up picking up a box of Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) Germany Heavy Weapons for my Volksgrenadier list and a lone PSC StuG G to fill out my StuG G platoon. Having my day cut short I spent Sunday assembling the StuG G, it was a little more fiddly to the Open Fire StuGs but for the cost it's definitely worth it.

This week and hopefully most of the weekend I'm going to continue to power through the rest of my Volksgrenadier Company infantry and then I can make a start on the Pak 40s and Flak43s, once they're all built and made the next purchases can be made and I'm hoping by the end of March the whole of my Volks army will be finished and fully painted! That's the plan anyway.

Also it was awesome to be mentioned in the BlogExchange at Faeit 212! It's a great blog with the latest GW News and Rumours but I'm sure most of you know who they are anyway.

Until next time, keep on reading!


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