Monday, 9 December 2013


Welcome to Magic, Bolters and Rifles, my brand new blog featuring my escapades into Wargaming!

I've only recently got back into Wargaming; since July this year actually and slowly bit-by-bit I've been re-learning the rules and getting used to painting and modelling once more. To be honest the last time I played was about 10-12 years ago so it is safe to say I've forgotten basically everything.

A big props to Games Workshop Metrocentre who have been a huge help in the past few months of reintroducing me into Warhammer and also giving me hints and tips on what to get/potential army lists. Almost every Thursday evening has been spent in a tutorial lesson for Fantasy and it's safe to say that they've been so valuable to me.

So here we go, my forray back into Wargaming. At the moment it'll mainly be focusing on my Warhammer Fantasy escapades but I'm soon beginning to learn Flames of War and then in 2014 I'll be entering the realms of 40K, I've already got a Tau Battleforce still in its cellophane ready for assembling.

Hopefully I'll be updating this on a weekly basis maybe more. So sit back, relax and enjoy!


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